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Do you have a picture with Baltazar? It would be very much appreciated if you would send it to to add your picture to the wall of friends



Baltazar y Raquel en Alicante

Baltazar y Raquel when living in Alicante, Spain.

Compositor Manuel Castillo

Compositor Manuel Castillo y Baltazar Benitez.

Baltazar y Omar

Baltazar in Puerto Rico with Ichiro Suzuki and Juan Sorroche.

Baltazar Benitez Omar Espinosa 2

Baltazar with his good friend Omar Espinoza

Raquel Y Baltazar

Raquel & Baltazar

Gonzalo y Baltazar

Gonzalo Solari y Baltazar Benitez.

Manos de Baltazar

A poem written by a good friend Jorge Echenique Flores.

Baltazar Benitez Russia

Baltazar in Russia in 1988. Baltazar was invited by the Russian Ministry of Culture to give a number of concerts in the most important cities of Rusland. Amongst others he gave a solo concert at the Tchaikovski Hall of Moscow.

Benitez Piazzolla

Astor Piazzolla and Baltazar while touring through Uruguay and Argentina in 1985.

A. Piazzolla

Personal message for Baltazar from Astor Piazzolla.

Gerardo Jimenez Baltazar Benitez

Baltazar with a dear friend Gerardo Jimenez in Costa Rica.

Baltazar Benitez Aflredo Marcucci

Alfredo Marcucci y Baltazar Benitez

Baltazar with Horacio Ferrer y Alfredo Marcucci en 1993

Alvaro, Ida  y Baltazar

Alvaro Pierri, Ida Polk and Baltazar

Cesar y Baltazar

Los hermanos Cesar y Baltazar

Foto reunie leerlingen Baltazar Benitez.

Reunited after 20 years with his students from the Conservatorium in Tilburg, the Netherlands.

Tilburgs Conservatorium

Reunion of the Baltazar's students of the Tilburg Conservatorium.

Frank Lam en Baltazar Benitez

Frank Lam & Baltazar

Benitez y Caceres

Noel y Baltazar de gira por Francia para visitar a Caceres. Unos de sus primeros professores.

Baltazar Benitez Geert van Opstal

Los Luthiers Baltazar Benitez (Victoriano Santos) y Geert van Opstal

Baltazar con Juansito
Papa mejicano

Baltazar con Nestor Ausqui y amigos

2012-02-15-Con Baltazar(red)

Baltazar together with Numa Moraes y Alfredo Escande

Papa, Geert, Leonoardo y Nestor

Baltazar con sus amigos Leonardo Palacios, Nestor Ausqui y Geert van Opstal

Carel Kraayenhof Pablo Dobal

Reunidos en Tilburg, con Carel Kraayenhof y Pablo Dobal.


Guitarist Frans Brekelmans visiting Baltazar at home in may 2015. Frans is playing the Fleta from Baltazar from 1976.


Guitarist Frans Brekelmans visiting Baltazar at home in may 2015. Frans is playing his own Hauser guitar from 1927.

Benitez, Espinosa Bardesio

Celebrando sus cumpleanos con Omar Espinosa y Jose Bardesio.

Sabrina & Baltazar_edited

Late Sabrina Vlaskalic visiting Baltazar in April 2018

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